
In order to make needle biopsies more readily applicable to cryo-ultramicrotomy and x-ray microanalysis, we have developed a method which permits biopsy specimens to be frozen immediately after removal from the patients, using metal mirror freezing.Then tissue sample is quickly transferred from the biopsy needle to a formvar film which in advance has been supplied with a drop of standard solution containing PVP and inorganic salts. Freezing is performed by clamping the sample between the cylindrical copper jaws of a pair of pliers, precooled in liquid nitrogen (fig.l). The flat specimen is cut in a Reichert-Jung Ultracut/FC4 cryosystem. The section is collected on a grid/retainer assembly, which is mounted inside a. transportable press. Secured between two grids inside the press, the sections are transferred to an external freeze-drier.This system makes it possible to freeze,even small pieces of tissue using the metal mirror freezing method. The pliers produce a flat specimen containing the tissue and the elemental standard, with two well-frozen surfaces which readily can be sectioned using a flat specimen holder.

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