
Cytochrome P450 family 102 subfamily A member 1 (CYP102A1) is a self-sufficient flavohemeprotein and a highly active bacterial enzyme capable of fatty acid hydroxylation at a >3,000 min-1 turnover rate. The CYP102A1 architecture has been postulated to be responsible for its extraordinary catalytic prowess. However, the structure of a functional full-length CYP102A1 enzyme remains to be determined. Herein, we used a cryo-EM single-particle approach, revealing that full-length CYP102A1 forms a homodimer in which both the heme and FAD domains contact each other. The FMN domain of one monomer was located close to the heme domain of the other monomer, exhibiting a trans configuration. Moreover, full-length CYP102A1 is highly dynamic, existing in multiple conformational states, including open and closed states. In the closed state, the FMN domain closely contacts the FAD domain, whereas in the open state, one of the FMN domains rotates away from its FAD domain and traverses to the heme domain of the other monomer. This structural arrangement and conformational dynamics may facilitate rapid intraflavin and trans FMN-to-heme electron transfers (ETs). Results with a variant having a 12-amino-acid deletion in the CYP102A1 linker region, connecting the catalytic heme and the diflavin reductase domains, further highlighted the importance of conformational dynamics in the ET process. Cryo-EM revealed that the Δ12 variant homodimer is conformationally more stable and incapable of FMN-to-heme ET. We conclude that closed-to-open alternation is crucial for redox partner recognition and formation of an active ET complex for CYP102A1 catalysis.


  • Cytochrome P450 family 102 subfamily Amember1(CYP102A1) is a self-sufficient flavohemeprotein and a highly active bacterial enzyme capable of fatty acid hydroxylation at a >3,000 min؊1 turnover rate

  • Turnover rate of ϳ17,000 minϪ1 was reported for hydroxylation of arachidonic acid [1], which is more than 2 orders of magnitude higher than human P450 enzymes known for metabolizing ϳ75% of clinically used drugs [2]

  • Well-isolated single particles of full-length CYP102A1 were observed on micrographs (Fig. 1B). 2D classification of ϳ900,000 particles revealed distinct classes, indicative of conformational dynamics (Fig. 1C)

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Received for publication, October 2, 2019, and in revised form, January 2, 2020 Published, Papers in Press, January 3, 2020, DOI 10.1074/jbc.RA119.011305 X Min Su‡1, Sumita Chakraborty§, Yoichi Osawa§, and X Haoming Zhang§2 From the ‡Life Sciences Institute and the §Department of Pharmacology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109

Edited by Wolfgang Peti
Experimental procedures
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