
The Early Caledonian folded area in Central Asia (Early Caledonian superterrane) hosts micro-continent fragments with an Early and Late Precambrian crystalline basement, the largest of them being the Dzabkhan and Tuva-Mongolian fragments. Their junction zone hosts exposures of crystalline rocks that were previously thought to be part of the Early Precambrian Dzabkhan microcontinent. The Bayannur zone in the southern part of the Songino block hosts the Baynnur gneiss-migmatite and Kholbonur metavolcanic-terrigenous metamorphic complexes. The former is believed to be the Early Proterozoic crystalline basement, and the latter is thought to unconformably overly the Late Riphean cover complex of the Songino block. Various rocks of the tectono-stratigraphic complexes in the Bayannur zone were studied geologically and geochronologically (by the U-Pb technique of zircon). Regional metamorphism and folding in the Bayannur Complex were dated at 802 ± 6 Ma. The Nd model ages lie within the range of 1.5–2.0 Ga and thus preclude the correlation of these rocks with those in the Archean and Early Proterozoic basement of the Dzabkhan microcontinent. The upper age limit for folding and metamorphism in the Bayannur zone is marked by postkinematic granites dated at 790 ± 3 Ma, and the lower limit of the volcano-sedimentary complex is determined by the Nd model age of the sandstone (1.3 Ga). The upper age limit of the volcano-plutonic rocks in this zone is set by the gabbroids and anorthosites: 783 ± 2 and 784 ± 3 Ma, respectively. The complex of island-arc granitoids in the Bayannur zone is dated at 859 ± 3 Ma. The age constraints make it possible to correlate crystalline rocks in the Bayannur Complex of the Sangino block and the Dzhargalant Complex in the Tarbagatai block. Currently available data testify that the Precambrian Khangai group of blocks in the Early Caledonian Central Asian superterrane includes continental crustal blocks related to the processes of Early Precambrian, Late Riphean, and Vendian tectonism.

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