
The two basic problems facing the Trans-Canada Highway through Rogers Pass, namely the winter problem of adequate vehicle storage areas during avalanche control and the summer problem of maintaining an acceptable level of service by ensuring adequate passing opportunities, may be linked through a common denominator — passing lanes. This paper presents the findings of a recently completed study of the Trans-Canada Highway through Mount Revelstoke and Glacier National Park. The study method is based on the fact that traffic flow characteristics, highway conditions, and operational requirements vary considerably from season to season. Thus, the analysis was broken into two parts, namely a separate analysis of winter and summer conditions. A traffic simulation model was used to determine those locations that could serve as potential sites for passing lanes during summer. The traffic simulation model developed for the passing lane analysis utilized files that describe road geometry, summer traffic flow and composition, and vehicle performance. A separate simulation model was developed to determine vehicle storage requirements of ponding areas during avalanche control. The model developed for winter traffic characteristics also provided the basis for a flexible traffic management strategy. Cross-section elements were developed to accommodate an auxiliary lane to be used as a passing lane in summer and as a parking lane to increase the capacity of ponding areas during avalanche control in winter. Design requirements called for triple stacking of vehicles in ponding areas during avalanche control. To accommodate design year traffic volumes at an acceptable level of service during the summer months, 12 passing lanes totalling 23 km in length were recommended. Six ponding areas, totalling 4 km in length, are coincident with four of the passing lane locations. The paper concludes with a general discussion on the benefits of linking traffic simulation with geometric design to demonstrate how the design life of rural two-lane highways can be extended by the use of low-cost operational improvements such as passing lanes. Key words: highway planning and engineering, two-lane highways traffic management during avalanche stabilization, passing lanes, cross-section elements, Trans-Canada Highway.

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