
COVID-19 is a viral and fatal disease occurring over a wide geographic range and affecting a high proportion of the population. It has nodefinite treatment; hence, prevention is the best way. A person's Prakriti (body constitution -inherent nature of an individual) is decided to dependon the Ahara Vihara of the mother during pregnancy. It does not change throughout life. This Prakriti is also responsible for immunity; the onset andmaintenance of disease depend on Prakriti. Hence, by properly knowing Prakriti, we can plan the disease's prevention, care, and management. Theprime of this study was to observe the predominance of specific Prakriti in patients with covid 19. The main objective of this study was to comparethe prevalence of COVID-19 in patients with different Prakriti & to raise awareness regarding COVID-19 in Wardha City. The current study wasconducted by recruiting 100 patients who recovered from Covid-19. The primary goal of this research was to determine the prevalence ofparticular Prakriti in patients with covid 19. The primary goal of this study was to compare the prevalence of COVID-19 in patients with variedPrakriti and to raise awareness about COVID-19 in Wardha. Their complaints were noted, and a Prakriti [body constituent] assessment was done.It was found that the prevalence of COVID-19 is high in Pittaja Prakriti [Body constituent dominant with hot entity] (44%), followed by Kaphaja Prakriti[Body constituent dominant with phlegm] (35%) and Vata Prakriti [Body constituent dominant with air entity] (21%). In this present study, most of theaffected patients were male. People with Pitta-predominant Prakriti were affected mainly by COVID-19. Though symptoms of COVID-19 showKapha [Phlegm] predominance as per Ayurvedic perspectives, its prevalence is more in Pitta-predominant Prakriti. Pitta Dosha is linked with the body'sthermoregulation, metabolism, and immunity. People with Pitta Prakriti [Body constituent with hot entity] have hypersensitive Pitta Dosha [Hotentity] in their bodies. Infection with COVID-19 disturbs the body's normalcy and is more common in Pittaja Prakriti people.

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