
Determining how the orientation and association among organelles are maintained within zoospores of theChytridiales is important to understanding the control of zoospore motility. Zoospores of the aquatic fungi,Chytriomyces aureus andC. hyalinus, contain microbody-lipid globule complexes with an elongate microbody adjacent to the portion of a lipid globule facing the cell's interior and a fenestrated cisterna (the rumposome) opposed to the surface of the lipid globule toward the plasma membrane. Mitochondria are intimately associated with the microbody. Electron microscopy of the microbody-lipid globule complex fixed in glutaraldehyde and osmium tetroxide, with or without tannic acid, reveals cross-linking bridges connecting the rumposome to the plasma membrane, to the microbody, and to microtubules of the rootlet extending from the kinetosome. It is concluded that these bridges are responsible, at least in part, for the consistent location of the microbody-lipid globule complex in the zoospore body. The possible role of the rumposome as a receptor organelle is discussed.

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