
ABSTRACT The aim of this research is to describe and illustrate the cross-cultural content validity (CCCV) method. The CCCV method was employed to examine the content validity of the Value Survey Model-2013 (VSM-2013) in Pashto (one of Afghanistan’s official languages). Consisting of 24-items, the VSM-2013 is an instrument designed to explore culture on six dimensions: power distance, individualism – collectivism, masculinity – femininity, uncertainty avoidance, long-term – short-term orientation, and indulgence – restraint. Using CCCV’s two-phase approach, first the original VSM-2013 was translated from English to Pashto and then back-translated to English. Secondly, the back-translated version was compared with the original version in terms of two measures: (1) comparability of language and (2) similarity of interpretability. The results showed that the Pashto version of the VSM-2013 was both comparable in language and similar in interpretation to that of the original VSM-2013. Out of the 24 items, no item received a mean score of less than 5.

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