
Reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) from agriculture is related to increasing and protecting soil organic matter (SOM) concentration. Agricultural soils can be a significant sink for atmospheric carbon (C) through increase of the SOM concentration. The natural ecosystems such as forests or prairies, where C gains are in equilibrium with losses, lose a large fraction of the antecedent C pool upon conversion to agricultural ecosystems. Adoption of recommended management practices (RMPs) can enhance the soil organic carbon (SOC) pool to fill the large C sink capacity on the world's agricultural soils. This article collates, reviews, and synthesizes the available information on SOC sequestration by RMPs, with specific references to crop rotations and tillage practices, cover crops, ley farming and agroforestry, use of manure and biosolids, N fertilization, and precision farming and irrigation. There is a strong interaction among RMPs with regards to their effect on SOC concentration and soil quality. The new equilibrium SOC level may be achieved over 25 to 50 years. While RMPs are being adapted in developed economies, there is an urgent need to encourage their adoption in developing countries. In addition to enhancing SOC concentration, adoption of RMPs also increases agronomic yield. Thus, key to enhancing soil quality and achieving food security lies in managing agricultural ecosystems using ecological principles which lead to enhancement of SOC pool and sustainable management of soil and water resources.

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