
The critical-magnetic-field curve of a single crystal of Zn has been determined from isothermal dc magnetization measurements over the temperature range from the superconducting transition temperature ${T}_{0}=0.850$ to 0.013 K. Values of the quantities ${T}_{0}$; ${H}_{0}$, the zero-temperature critical magnetic field; $\ensuremath{\gamma}$, the coefficient of the normal-state electronic specific heat; and ${(\frac{d{H}_{c}}{\mathrm{dT}})}_{T={T}_{0}}$, the initial slope of the critical-magnetic-field curve, are given for pure Zn. These values were obtained from the single-crystal data which were corrected to include the effects of a slight amount (0.5 ppm) of Mn impurity. The shape of the critical-magnetic-field curve shows that Zn is a weak-coupling superconductor having a mean-squared energy-gap anisotropy parameter $〈{a}^{2}〉$ of 0.03. This value of $〈{a}^{2}〉$ is significantly lower than previoulsy believed.

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