
A two-step contagion model with a single seed serves as a cornerstone for understanding the critical behaviors and underlying mechanism of discontinuous percolation transitions induced by cascade dynamics. When the contagion spreads from a single seed, a cluster of infected and recovered nodes grows without any cluster merging process. However, when the contagion starts from multiple seeds of where is the system size, a node weakened by a seed can be infected more easily when it is in contact with another node infected by a different pathogen seed. This contagion process can be viewed as a cluster merging process in a percolation model. Here we show analytically and numerically that when the density of infectious seeds is relatively small but , the epidemic transition is hybrid, exhibiting both continuous and discontinuous behavior, whereas when it is sufficiently large and reaches a critical point, the transition becomes continuous. We determine the full set of critical exponents describing the hybrid and the continuous transitions. Their critical behaviors differ from those in the single-seed case.

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