
To demonstrate the obstetric profile of teenage pregnancy and maternity parity in the metropolitan region of Curitiba, in southern Brazil, from 2009 to 2014, in order to provide information for interventions in preventing non-planned pregnancy in this population.Data regarding maternal age, gestational age, newborn weight, obstetric complications and type of delivery were collected in 4668 patients aged between 15 and 19 years, and those aged 20 to 24, with previous teenage pregnancy. An Excel table was created to store the information, later analysed. Most patients were primigravid (71%), with 22% in the second pregnancy. Multiparity was present in 29% of pregnant women. The mean age at first pregnancy was 17.3 years (standard deviation of 1.30). The main route of delivery was vaginal, in 80%. Episiotomy was performed in 70% of these deliveries. Cesarean deliveries occurred mainly due to induction failure (19.8%), cephalopelvic disproportion (14.4%) and fetal distress (11.1%). Mean gestational age was 39.1 weeks (standard deviation 1.5). Low birth weight occurred in 7% of newborns, and 4% were preterm. Most of the patients analysed were primiparous aged 17.3 years. Multiparity in adolescence proved to be a frequent phenomenon in the region studied, with a prevalence of 30%, occurring at an average age of 18.6 years old. A quarter of 20-year-old patients’ population had more than two pregnancies. The presence of episiotomy was high, performed in 70% of vaginal deliveries, a value above the recommended by WHO.]

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