
The purpose of this work is to study threats to environmental safety in the field of crop production, to identify errors and difficulties arising in the process of criminal legal counteraction to them and to develop proposals to resolve these problems. Design/methodology/approach: in the course of the study, general scientific and special methods were used: formal-logical, systematic, comparative-legal, statistical, sociological, document analysis, expert assessments. Findings: non-compliance with the requirements of environmental legislation in the implementation of activities in the field of crop production creates a variety of threats to the environment, harms its individual components. This actualizes the issues of increasing the effectiveness of criminal legal counteraction to environmental crimes Originality/value: particular attention should be paid to improving the practice of applying the norms regulating responsibility for environmental crimes committed in the field of crop production, strict observance of the principles of justice and legality. To do this, it seems necessary to develop methodological recommendations on the qualification of environmental crimes and make appropriate additions to the acts of official interpretation emanating from the highest judicial instances

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