
Domestic criminal law is being in constant dynamics, so it means that the norms of the current legislation are being improved, new, previously unknown, criminal-legal categories are being introduced, recommendations of in¬ternational institutions are taken into account, etc. Not an exception in this process is chapter XIII-1 of the General part of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, which regulates restrictive measures (these provisions came into force on January 11, 2019). From the moment of the regulation of restrictive measures in the Criminal Code of Ukraine, they have acquired the status of criminal-legal measures. Restrictive measures have a specific purpose - to protect the victim from a person who has committed a socially dangerous act, to protect against committing a socially danger¬ous act in relation to the victim in the future, to minimize the interaction between the person, who is in a dangerous state, and the victim, if such has the significant risks.This scientific article analyzes the conditions of application of restrictive measures in criminal law, in particular, it is determined that the concept of «crime related to domestic violence» is broader than the concept of «domestic violence» in Article 126-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine and can be used not only in the commission of this crime, but also in other socially dangerous acts that have signs of domestic violence; some considerations regarding the improvement of the grounds for the application of restrictive measures are highlighted; the correlation between the requirements of international acts and current provisions on restrictive measures is considered.A detailed analysis of the types of restrictive measures that are in the Criminal Code of Ukraine was made. The need for some legislative changes and additions is argued, this concerns the wording of the names of types of restric¬tive measures; new concepts that should be enshrined at the legislative level; meaningful content of such varieties.
 The conclusion was made that the regulation of restrictive measures in the Criminal Code of Ukraine is a positive step, but due to the novelty of this legal category there is a need for their partial editing and changes.


  • Plish YU.M., Criminal law characteristic of certain restrictive measures Domestic criminal law is being in constant dynamics, so it means that the norms of the current legislation are being improved, new, previously unknown, criminal-legal categories are being introduced, recommendations of international institutions are taken into account, etc

  • From the moment of the regulation of restrictive measures in the Criminal Code of Ukraine, they have acquired the status of criminal-legal measures

  • Restrictive measures have a specific purpose – to protect the victim from a person who has committed a socially dangerous act, to protect against committing a socially dangerous act in relation to the victim in the future, to minimize the interaction between the person, who is in a dangerous state, and the victim, if such has the significant risks

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Про запобігання та протидію домашньому насильству

Відомості Верховної Ради України від 02.02.2018 р. 4. Конвенція Ради Європи про запобігання насильству стосовно жінок і домашньому насильству та боротьбу із цими явищами та Пояснювальна доповідь. Відкрита для підпису в Стамбулі (Туреччина) 11.05.2011 р. 5. Постанова Обєднаної палати Касаційного кримінального суду Верховного Суду від 12.02.2020 р. І. Відповідальність за домашнє насильство і насильство за ознакою статі (науково-практичний коментар новел Кримінального кодексу України).

Кримінально-виконавчий кодекс України
11. Сімейний кодекс України
13. Методичні рекомендації щодо запобігання та протидії насильству
25. Про затвердження Переліку заходів щодо реалізації пробаційних програм
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