
The heavy ion synchrotron, SIS-18 (that has an 18 Tm magnetic rigidity), at the Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung (GSI), Darmstadt is a unique facility worldwide that delivers intense beams of energetic heavy ions. The GSI has plans to extend its accelerator capabilities by building a new synchrotron (SIS-200) with a much higher magnetic rigidity of 200 Tm. According to the preliminary design considerations, the SIS-200 will generate a uranium beam that will consist of at least 1012 particles and that will be delivered in a 50 ns long pulse. This beam will be used to study various interesting problems, including fragmentation of the projectile ions while passing through solid matter and creation of high-density, strongly coupled plasmas. For the former type of studies, a particle energy of 1 GeV/u has been considered to be appropriate, while for the latter case, a lower value of 400 MeV/u has been found to be most suitable. In this paper we present, with the help of two-dimensional numerical simulations, the hydrodynamic and thermodynamic response of a solid lead cylindrical target that is irradiated with the future SIS-200 beam, which has a particle energy of 400 MeV/u. The beam focal spot is assumed to be circular and the power deposition profile is considered to be Gaussian along the radial direction. Calculations have also been done using a beam that has a ring-shaped (annular) focal spot that interacts with solid as well as hollow lead cylinders, respectively. In all the above cases it has been assumed that the cylinder length is shorter than the range of 400 MeV/u uranium ions in solid lead so that the Bragg peak does not lie inside the target and the energy deposition is almost uniform along the particle trajectory. These simulations show that it will be possible to create extended volumes of high-density, strongly coupled plasmas using the future SIS-200 beam.

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