
The creation of new potato varieties with prominent economically valuable properties and comprehensive resistance against the most common diseases is one of the main areas of crop breeding at present. First of all, this is due to the possibility of increasing the gross production of potatoes, improving its economic performance, as well as the tasks of protecting the environment from pesticide pollution, which contributes to a substantial improvement in the environment and obtaining environmentally safe products. The purpose of this study was to identify varieties with a prominent level of yield and resistance against potato blight in the western region of Ukraine. The study was conducted using field (assessment of disease development), laboratory, analytical, and mathematical and statistical methods. The paper provides a theoretical substantiation and a new solution to the important scientific task of establishing the specific features of the use of Ukrainian and foreign varieties, intervarietal and multispecies hybrids by parental forms in potato breeding. The study summarized the features of the manifestation of productivity components, quality traits, resistance to potato blight, correlations between economic and valuable traits, selection of new parent forms for intervarietal and interspecies hybridization, nature of high productivity, quality and potato blight resistance of breeding material, and created genetically valuable varieties with great value in potato selection and for agricultural production of Ukraine. Based on this, the possibility and effectiveness of the combination of the transfer of traits to the offspring and their inheritance was proven, which will expand the existing base of initial breeding material for further work on the creation of promising potato varieties of different maturity groups with highly valuable economic traits

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