
Engineering bamboo is a type of cheap and good-quality, easy-to-process material, which is widely used in construction engineering, bridge engineering, water conservancy engineering and other fields; however, crack defects lead to reduced reliability of the engineered bamboo. Accurate identification of the crack tip position and crack propagation length can improve the reliability of the engineered bamboo. Digital image correlation technology and high-quality images have been used to measure the crack tip damage zone of engineered bamboo, but the improvement of image quality with more-advanced optical equipment is limited. In this paper, we studied an application based on deep learning providing a super-resolution reconstruction method in the field of engineered bamboo DIC technology. The attention-dense residual and generative adversarial network (ADRAGAN) model was trained using a comprehensive loss function, where network interpolation was used to balance the network parameters to suppress artifacts. Compared with the super resolution generative adversarial network (SRGAN),super resolution ResNet (SRResNet), and bicubic B-spline interpolation, the superiority of the ADRAGAN network in super-resolution reconstruction of engineered bamboo speckle images was verified through assessment of both objective evaluation indices (PSNR and SSIM) and a subjective evaluation index (MOS). Finally, the images generated by each algorithm were imported into the DIC analysis software, and the crack propagation length was calculated and compared. The obtained results indicate that the proposed ADRAGAN method can reconstruct engineered bamboo speckle images with high quality, obtaining a crack detection accuracy of 99.65%.

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