
The outbreak of new coronavirus disease (COVID-19) caused by SARS-CoV-2 is thebiggest medical problem of the 21st century. Although the virus primarily affects the lungs,and the clinical manifestations of the disease are dominated by respiratory symptoms, butit significantly affects the risk of the development and clinical course of cardiovasculardisease. It should be noted that heart disease with COVID-19 can be observed in patientswith chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as in patients who had no signsof heart disease before this infection. Concomitant cardiovascular disease is common inpatients with COVID-19, and these patients have a higher risk of morbidity and mortality.The mechanisms underlying the damage to the cardiovascular system are direct invasion,inflammation, thrombosis, autoantibody synthesis and hypoxemia.Purpose – to analyze the data of the current literature of COVID-19 impact on the courseof cardiovascular disease, mortality and prognosis.Conclusions.Concomitant cardiovascular disease is common in patients with COVID-19, andthese patients have a higher risk of morbidity and mortality. Cardiovascular manifestationsof COVID-19 are acute coronary syndrome, arrhythmia, heart failure, thromboemboliccomplications. Patients on COVID-19 with cardiovascular events have a worse prognosis.

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