
Editor’s Introduction to This Issue
 Saara Terry Grizzell University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
 On behalf of my co-founders and editorial colleagues, Dr. Roy Chen and Dr. Veronica Umeasiegbu, I am pleased to present the next issue of Contemporary Research in Disability and Rehabilitation (CRDR).
 This issue contains two articles. In the first article, Autism Spectrum Disorder Screening Practices in the United States and Mexico, Maria Valdez and colleagues present survey results using qualitative data and descriptive statistics to explore the screening and diagnostic practices of 35 professionals (30 in the U.S. and 5 in Mexico) who routinely work with children with ASD. In this study, Valdez and colleagues found many similarities in screening practices between professionals in the U.S. and Mexico. For example, in both the U.S. and Mexico the most frequently reported screening tool was the Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (M-CHAT, Robins et al., 2001, 2009).
 Other similarities included parent involvement, key concerns around language development, a lack of routine screening for ASD, and the screening of children between the ages of 2 to 4 years old. Differences in screening and diagnostic practices involved the professionals engaged in screening for ASD and the referral process in the aftermath of failed ASD screenings.
 In the second article, Multicultural Counselor Supervision and Perceived Differences on Client Outcomes, Dr. Perez and colleagues present original research exploring the differences in perceptions among counselor supervisors and supervisees about the impact of multicultural supervision upon client outcomes. In this study, sixty-one participants consisted of faculty, counselor supervisors, counselors, and graduate students in counseling programs. This study found that multicultural supervision/competence predicted supervisor perceptions of client outcome, thus highlighting the importance of multicultural supervision and the need to improve training in multicultural competence.
 With that being said, I hope you enjoy this publication of CRDR.
 Saara Terry Grizzell, Ph.D., CRC, LVRC, LCDC, LPC Outgoing Editor, CRDR

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