
Abstract. The past and future evolution of the Antarctic Ice Sheet is largely controlled by interactions between the ocean and floating ice shelves. To investigate these interactions, coupled ocean and ice sheet model configurations are required. Previous modelling studies have mostly relied on high-resolution configurations, limiting these studies to individual glaciers or regions over short timescales of decades to a few centuries. We present a framework to couple the dynamic ice sheet model PISM (Parallel Ice Sheet Model) with the global ocean general circulation model MOM5 (Modular Ocean Model) via the ice shelf cavity model PICO (Potsdam Ice-shelf Cavity mOdel). As ice shelf cavities are not resolved by MOM5 but are parameterized with the PICO box model, the framework allows the ice sheet and ocean components to be run at resolutions of 16 km and 3∘ respectively. This approach makes the coupled configuration a useful tool for the analysis of interactions between the Antarctic Ice Sheet and the global ocean over time spans of the order of centuries to millennia. In this study, we describe the technical implementation of this coupling framework: sub-shelf melting in the ice sheet component is calculated by PICO from modelled ocean temperatures and salinities at the depth of the continental shelf, and, vice versa, the resulting mass and energy fluxes from melting at the ice–ocean interface are transferred to the ocean component. Mass and energy fluxes are shown to be conserved to machine precision across the considered component domains. The implementation is computationally efficient as it introduces only minimal overhead. Furthermore, the coupled model is evaluated in a 4000 year simulation under constant present-day climate forcing and is found to be stable with respect to the ocean and ice sheet spin-up states. The framework deals with heterogeneous spatial grid geometries, varying grid resolutions, and timescales between the ice and ocean component in a generic way; thus, it can be adopted to a wide range of model set-ups.


  • Most of Antarctica’s coastline is comprised of floating ice shelves where glaciers of the Antarctic Ice Sheet drain into the surrounding Southern Ocean

  • To study the ice sheet and ocean system on a global and multi-millennial scale, we present a category 5 framework for the dynamical coupling of the Parallel Ice Sheet Model (PISM; Bueler and Brown, 2009; Winkelmann et al, 2011) and a coarse-resolution configuration of the Modular Ocean Model (MOM5; Griffies, 2012) using Potsdam Ice-shelf Cavity mOdel (PICO)

  • To ensure mass and energy conservation, we introduce a new mechanism for the coupled system which maps every southernmost ocean cell of the Modular Ocean Model v52 (MOM5) grid to exactly one PICO basin

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Most of Antarctica’s coastline is comprised of floating ice shelves where glaciers of the Antarctic Ice Sheet drain into the surrounding Southern Ocean. Mass loss of these ice shelves occurs through ocean-induced melting at their base and calving of icebergs which both contribute about the same amount (Depoorter et al, 2013). As the large ice sheets have long response timescales, coupled simulations over millennia are necessary to capture long-term effects. Such coupled simulations are useful to study the long-term past or future evolution of ice sheets and oceans. This, together with the advantage of using ensemble simulations to constrain uncertainty in parameterized processes, makes computational efficiency a key requirement for such coupled models

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