
The advent of dwarf statured rice varieties enabled a major breakthrough in yield and production, but raising the ceiling of genetically determined yield potential even further has been the breeding priority. Grain filling is asynchronous in the rice panicle; the inferior spikelets particularly on secondary branches of the basal part do not produce grains of a quality suitable for human consumption. Of the various strategies being considered, the control of ethylene production at anthesis has been a valuable route to potentially enhance genetic yield level of rice. The physiology underlying spikelet development has revealed spikelet position-specific ethylene levels determine the extent of grain filling, with higher levels resulting in ill-developed spikelet embodying poor endosperm starch content. To break the yield barrier, breeders have increased spikelet number per panicle in new large-panicle rice plants. However, the advantage of panicles with numerous spikelets has not resulted in enhanced yield because of poor filling of inferior spikelets. High spikelet number stimulates ethylene production and downgrading of starch synthesis, suggesting a trade-off between spikelet number and grain filling. High ethylene production in inferior spikelets suppresses expression of genes encoding endosperm starch synthesising enzymes. Hence, ethylene could be a retrograde signal that dictates the transcriptome dynamics for the cross talk between spikelet number and grain filling in the rice panicle, so attenuation of its activity may provide a solution to the problem of poor grain filling in large-panicle rice. This physiological linkage that reduces starch biosynthesis of inferior kernels is not genetically constitutive and amenable for modification through chemical, biotechnological, surgical and allelic manipulations. Studies on plant genotypes with different panicle architecture have opened up possibilities of selectively improving starch biosynthesis of inferior spikelets and thereby increasing grain yield through a physiological route.

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