
In the original article, there was an error. In equation (1) small "i" is typed instead of capital I, subscript of symbols and italic, use of ";" instead of "," missing of B(x, y), reference (Chin et al., 2008) instead of (Rao et al., 2008).The localization of a point radiation source of unknown strength Au expressed in a unit of micro-Curie (Ci) called the source rate will be considered. The source is located at an unknown location (xu, yu). The source gives a radiation intensity of ( ) = ( , ) = × ×2.22×10 6 ( − ) 2 +( − ) 2(1) Last Name author1 et al.Pc 2 (Expressed in counts per minute or CPM) when measured by a sensor at point p = (x, y), where E is an efficiency constant unique to the sensor. The radiation count induced by the source and observed at the sensor per unit time is a Poisson random variable with parameter λ = I(xi, yi), not accounting for the background radiation B(x, y) (Rao et al., 2008) denote the background radiation strength at (x, y) expressed in CPM, called the background rate. The radiation count measurement (due to the background radiation) at a sensor i located at (xi, yi) is given by the Poisson random variable with parameter B (xi, yi). For comparison purposes, the radiation model, actual measurements, and calibration process (Rao et al., 2008) are followed.

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