
Determining importance in discussing the consequences of acute cerebrovascular accident (death, disability, complicated and severe course) is given to age, time since the onset of the disease, level of consciousness, severity of stroke, tactics and organization of medical and diagnostic process. The purpose of the work is to establish the dependence of medical and demographic indicators with risk factors for stroke and the organization of treatment and diagnostic process in patients of hospitals in Vinnytsia for the period 2017-2019, participating in the international program of the European Stroke Organization. The stroke register was created on the basis of the RES-Q report form of Vinnytsia hospitals, which are the most typical for the Podillia region of Ukraine. Estimation of correlations of medical and demographic indicators with unmodified factors of stroke, tactics of its management and condition of the patient at hospitalization was carried out by means of a statistical package "Statistica 5.5" with use of Pearson's statistics. The main features of the studied correlations are: with unmodified stroke factors - regardless of sex, patients of both hospitals have inverse weak correlations age of patients with the ability to pass 10 m and direct weak correlations with mortality; with patient status on admission - regardless of sex, patients in both hospitals have reversed mean strength correlations of ability to pass 10 m with level of consciousness, NIHSS stroke severity and NIHSS stroke scores, and direct, mostly medium-strength correlations with scores on the Glasgow scale, and with a mortality rate established a symmetrically opposite picture of correlations, in addition, with the duration of treatment established multidirectional reliable weak strength correlations; with indicators of quality of medical care - regardless of sex, patients of both hospitals have weak correlations, the ability to walk 10 m with an indicator or hospitalized patient to stroke block and the appointment of antithrombolytics and direct weak force correlations with statins, with an indicator of treatment duration regardless from sex in patients of both hospitals established weak direct correlations with the appointment of antithrombolytic drugs, and with the mortality rate in both hospitals, more pronounced in men, established direct weak and medium strength correlations with the appointment of antithrombolytic drugs and inverse weak and medium strength correlations with the appointment of statins and antihypertensive drugs. Thus, numerous direct and inverse, mainly weak strength correlations of age, season, admission status and specifics of treatment and diagnostic measures with duration of treatment, functional outcome and stroke mortality for each hospital in general and individually in men and women of relevant medical institutions.


  • In Ukraine, disability and mortality rates due to stroke in all age groups have pronounced negative trends [4, 7]

  • The most important thing is that they are in the greatest correlation or interaction with socio-demographic processes

  • Materials and methods The analysis of the results of medical histories of patients hospitalized in an emergency according to the indications to the stroke unit of the Municipal non-profit enterprise "Vinnytsia Regional Clinical Psychoneurological Hospital named after Academician O

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In Ukraine, disability and mortality rates due to stroke in all age groups have pronounced negative trends [4, 7]. To identify the factors influencing the course and consequences of stroke, it is most appropriate to build a multifactorial statistical dependence, for which it is necessary to correctly select the analyzed indicators [6]. In the works devoted to the analysis of the epidemiological situation, there are a number of indicators that, in the opinion of one or another author, have the greatest impact on the studied processes. The most important thing is that they (indicators) are in the greatest correlation or interaction with socio-demographic processes. It is important to assess the impact of a number of modified, unmodified and organizational factors - the main medical and demographic indicators, which are accepted as effective features [16, 18]

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