
Nowadays, getting a job is very difficult, there is no guarantee for a graduate to get a job. One of the alternatives is to become an entrepreneur. To become an entrepreneur needs self-confidence, responsibility, decision making skill, perseverance and risk taking which are in accordance with the dimensions of sensation seeking i.e. thrill and adventure seeking, experience seeking, disinhibition, and boredom susceptibility. This study aimed to understand the sensation seeking and entrepreneurship of the fresh graduates in The University of Syiah Kuala. The samples were 120 fresh graduates who were selected with quota sampling technique. There were two instruments used, Brief Sensation Seeking adaptation Scale (BSSS-8) by Hoyle et al (2002) consisting of 8 items and an Entrepreneurship Scale based on Koh’s theory (1996) consisting of 24 items. Data analysis result using Pearson correlation technique showed a correlation coefficient of (r) 0,714 with p value = 0,000 (p < 0,05). The proposed hypothesis was confirmed therefore it can be concluded that there was a positive and significant correlation between sensation seeking and entrepreneurship of the fresh graduates in The Universitas Syiah Kuala.


  • Every year, Syiah Kuala University (Unsyiah) graduated approximately 4000 students who later became fresh graduates (Unsyiah, 2016)

  • Hypothesis testing The results of hypothesis testing show a significance value of p = 0,000 (p

  • Shows that there is a positive relationship between sensation seeking and entrepreneurship, so it can be said that this research hypothesis is accepted

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Syiah Kuala University (Unsyiah) graduated approximately 4000 students who later became fresh graduates (Unsyiah, 2016). Zoubi (2016) states that fresh graduates are individuals who have just finished studying for a maximum of two years and have not worked. College graduates aged 23 to 25 years belong to the early adult age group (Hurlock, 2009). Individuals are expected to have a decent job when they are in their early adulthood so that they are considered capable and have a role or position in society (Santrock, 2009). Finding a job in Indonesia is not an easy thing. There was intense competition among fellow job seekers, making individuals strive to continuously improve the quality of their self, especially the quality of education they have (Lestari, 2006)

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