
Correlation of the pollen stratigraphy from sedimentary sections located on or near the southern glacial margin in the northeastern U.S.A., where the record is more nearly complete, aids in the reconstruction of climatic and vegetational trends associated with Late Wisconsin glacial recession. The southern limit of this glaciation is represented by moraines of Olean and Kent age in Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey and southern New England. Glacial recession is represented by glacial drift of Kent and Port Huron age north of the glacial margin. The Late Glacial Herb Pollen Zone subzones (the F, W, and V sequences) indicate the presence of tundra-like vegetation, often park tundra succeeded by tundra, in the vicinity of and following recession from the terminal moraines. Tundra conditions are recorded in the T subzones in southern New England in Kent and Early Port Huron time, and in the L subzones in northern Maine in Late Port Huron time. The Herb Pollen Zone appears to transgress Late Glacial time and to re the Spruce Pollen Zone, comprised of varying proportions of spruce and pine, as early as Late Kent time in the region of the terminal moraines.

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