
This review deals with some model systems such as the hard sphere model, the Ising antiferromagnet and the Widom-Rowlinson model. For the correlation functions of these models new sets of equations are proposed. A mathematical method of investigating the sets of equations introduced is developed. The solutions of such sets of equations for arbitrary density and temperature are constructed. The necessary and sufficient conditions for the unique solubility of the sets of equations are given. On this basis an approximate closed non-linear equation for the conditional distribution function is proposed. The properties of the solutions of this equation are studied. The order-disorder phase transition in the hard sphere model is related to the branching of the solution of the equation introduced. For the Widom-Rowlinson model and its generalizations correlation functions in the thermodynamical limit are constructed for arbitrary particle density and temperature. The correlation functions for the liquid and gaseous phases of the Widom-Rowlinson model are constructed at low temperatures and high particle densities.

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