
Moravany-Lopata, located in the complex of sites in the middle Vah basin, dates to the periodimmediately preceding the LGM. The authors use this site to demonstrate the usefulness ofmineralogical, sedimentological, palaeomalacological, and anthropogenic criteria for the cor-relation of loess profiles. This analysis is especially concerned with sites in loess territorieswhere the loess layers covering archaeological levels are not thick. Suchsitesoccurfrequentlyon the plateaus of the northern part of Central Europe, though they appear most notably inthe areas in which the last loess cover, corresponding to the period after the last Pleniglacialand/or Late Glacial postloess sediments, is absent. The archaeological levels dated to beforeor directly after the LGM occur in the upper portion of the loess, overlain by the Holocenesoil. The investigations at the Moravany-Lopata site have confirmed the usefulness of theanthropogenic indicators in the fraction for the identification of occupationlevels0.1–1.0 mmextending even beyond the area of occurrence of macrofinds and evident type structures. Onthis basis, a relationship could be established between two occupational levels and two ice-wedge generations in the period from 21.4 to Gravettian settlement in western Slovakia20 ky.seems to have persisted up to the maximum of the LGM. Population groups representing theend of the shouldered points horizon (

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