
Bu calismada, lise cografya programinda yer alan konular ile diger branslardaki ortak konular incelenerek zumreler arasi isbirliginin onemi ortaya konmaya calisilmistir. Bu baglamda Giresun sehrindeki liselerde gorev yapan 37 cografya ogretmeni ile mulakat yapilmistir. Arastirmaya katilan ogretmenlere sorular yoneltilmis ve alinan cevaplarin degerlendirilmesi sonucunda, Cografya derslerinde yer alan konularin hangilerinde diger branslarla isbirligi yapilabilecegi ve ogretmenlerin zumre isbirligine yonelik yaklasimlari belirlenmistir. Elde edilen verilerin analizleri nitel yontemler kullanilarak gerceklestirilmistir. Ulasilan sonuclara bagli olarak cozum onerilerine de yer verilmistir. Zumreler arasi isbirligini formalite olmaktan cikarmak, zumre toplantilarinin etkinligini ve onemini artirmak, ortak konularin islenmesinde diger zumre ogretmenleriyle yapilacak ornek calismalari ortaya koymak, ve cografi gezilerde zumre isbirliginin yapilmasi baslica cozum onerileridir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Cografya egitimi, Zumreler arasi isbirligi, Ortak konular. ABSTRACT In this study, it was tried to reveal the importance of cooperation among group teachers by examining the topics in high school geography curriculum and the common topics in other branches. In this context, 37 geography teachers working in secondary schools in Giresun were interviewed. The teachers participated in the study were asked questions, and as a result of the evaluation of the responses, the subjects that co-operation with other branches could be realized and the attitudes of the teachers towards co-operation were determined. The data obtained were analyzed using qualitative methods. Depending on the results, some solutions were suggested. These suggestions were that the cooperation among group teachers must be informal, the efficiency and the importance of the group teachers meetings must be improved, sample studies that would be conducted with the teachers of other branches must be showed in teaching common topics and the group teachers must be cooperate in geographical trips. Key Words: Geography education , Cooperation among group teachers , Common topics.

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