
Aspects of the utilization of copper by the fungus, Dactytium dendroides, have been studied. The organism grows normally at copper levels below 10 nM. Cells grown in medium containing 30 nM copper or less concentrate exogenous metal at all levels of added copper; copper uptake is essentially complete within 15 min and is not inhibited by cycloheximide, dinitrophenol or cyanide. These results indicate that copper absorption is not an energy-dependent process. The relationship between fungal copper status and the activities of three copper-containing enzymes, galactose oxidase, an extracellular enzyme, the cytosolic, Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase and cytochrome oxidase, has also been established. The synthesis of galactose oxidase protein (haloenzyme plus apo-enzyme) is independent of copper concentration. Cells grown in copper-free medium (< 10 nM copper) excrete normal amounts of galactose oxidase as an apoprotein. At medium copper levels below 5 μM, new cultures contain enough total copper to enable the limited number of cells to attain sufficient intracellular copper to support hologalactose oxidase production. As a result of cell division, however, the amount of copper available per cell drops to a threshold of approx. 10 ng/mg below which point only apogalactose oxidase is secreted. Above 5 μM medium copper, holoenzyme secretion is maintained throughout cell growth.The levels of the Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase respond differently in that the protein itself apparently is synthesized in only limited amounts in copper-depleted cells. Total cellular superoxide dismutase activity is maintained under such conditions by an increase in activity associated with the mitochondrial, CN−-insensitive, manganese form of this enzyme. Cells grown at 10 μM copper shown 83% of their superoxide dismutase activity to be contributed by the Cu/Zn form compared to a 17% contribution to the total activity in cells grown at 30 nM copper, indicating that the biosynthesis of the Cu/Zn and Mn-containing enzymes is coordinated. The data show that the level of copper modulates the synthesis of the cytosolic superoxide dismutase. In contrast, the cytochrome oxidase activity of D. dendroides is independent of cellular copper levels obtainable. Thus, the data also suggest that these three enzymes utilize different cellular copper pools. As cells are depleted of copper by cell division, the available copper is used to maintain Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase and cytochrome oxidase activity; at very low levels of copper, only the latter activity is maintained. The induction of the manganisuperoxide dismutase in copper-depleted cells should have practical value in the isolation of this protein.

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