
Desulfosporosinus sp. OT is a Gram-positive, acidophilic sulfate-reducing firmicute isolated from copper tailings sediment in the Norilsk mining-smelting area in Siberia and represents the first Desulfosporosinus species whose genome has been sequenced. Desulfosporosinus sp. OT is exceptionally copper resistant, which made it of interest to study the resistance mechanism. It possesses a copUAZ operon which is shown here to be involved in copper resistance. The copU gene encodes a CsoR-type homotetrameric repressor. By electrophoretic mobility shift assay, it was shown that CopU binds to the operator/promoter region of the copUAZ operon in the absence of copper and is released from the DNA by Cu+ or Ag+, implying that CopU regulates the operon in a copper/silver-dependent manner. DOT_CopA is a P1B-type ATPase related to other characterized, bacterial copper ATPases. When expressed in a copper-sensitive Escherichia coli ΔcopA mutant, it restores copper resistance to WT levels. His-tagged DOT_CopA was expressed from a plasmid in E. coli and purified by Ni-NTA affinity chromatography. The purified enzyme was most active in the presence of Cu(I) and bacterial phospholipids. These findings indicate that the copUAZ operon confers copper resistance to Desulfosporosinus sp. OT, but do not per se explain the basis of the high copper resistance of this strain.

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