
The cationic copolymerizations of l-menthyl vinyl ether (l-MenVE) with methyl vinyl ether (MVE), benzyl vinyl ether (BzVE), and p-phenylbenzyl vinyl ether (PhBVE) were carried out in toluene at low temperatures in the presence of BF3·OEt2. The specific rotation at 589 mμ of copoly(l-MenVE–MVE) was proportional to the content of l-MenVE in the copolymers. In copoly(l-MenVE–BzYE) and copoly(l-MenVE–PhBVE), however, the absolute values of the specific rotations were higher than those of the corresponding mixtures of the homopolymers. The optical rotatory dispersion curves of these copolymers in cyclohexane showed Cotton effects at π-π* transition based on the aromatic chromophores. These optical abnormalities of the copolymers may be attributed to some asymmetric conformations induced in the comonomer unit by the steric influence of the asymmetric l-MenVE unit.

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