
As compared with 2D wireless camera sensor networks (WCSNs), 3D WCSNs can capture more accurate and comprehensive information for exposure-path prevention in supervisory and military applications. However, 3D WCSNs impose many new challenges for energy-efficiency and interference-mitigation subject to required coverage rate constraint due to extensive power consumption over time-varying wireless channels. To overcome the above-mentioned problems, in this paper we propose the AQ-DBPSK/DS-CDMA (alternating quadratures differential binary phase shift keying/direct-sequence code division multiple access) based cooperative MIMO energy-efficient and interference-mitigating scheme under the constraint of optimal tradeoff between power consumption and coverage rate over multi-hop clustered WCSNs. In particular, we build sensing models to characterize the minimum coverage rate constraint and formulate the exposure-path prevention problem using the percolation theory. Then, we derive the critical density of camera sensors subject to minimum exposure-path prevention probability constraint. We develop the AQ-DBPSK/DS-CDMA scheme and also derive the optimal data rate to optimize transmit-power and data-rate trade-off. By deriving the critical density of camera sensors over 3D WCSNs, we apply the cooperative MIMO based NEW LEACH architecture for our multi-hop cooperative MIMO scheme. Also conducted is a set of simulations which show that our proposed scheme can outperform other existing schemes in terms of energy efficiency and interference-mitigation over multi-hop 3D clustered WCSNs.

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