
In this study a comparative analysis of three Corynebacterium glutamicum ATCC 13032 respiratory chain mutants lacking either the cytochrome bd branch (ΔcydAB), or the cytochrome bc1–aa3 branch (Δqcr), or both branches was performed. The lack of cytochrome bd oxidase was inhibitory only under conditions of oxygen limitation, whereas the absence of a functional cytochrome bc1–aa3 supercomplex led to decreases in growth rate, biomass yield, respiration and proton-motive force (pmf) and a strongly increased maintenance coefficient under oxygen excess. These results show that the bc1–aa3 supercomplex is of major importance for aerobic respiration. For the first time, a C. glutamicum strain with a completely inactivated aerobic respiratory chain was obtained (ΔcydABΔqcr), named DOOR (devoid of oxygen respiration), which was able to grow aerobically in BHI (brain–heart infusion) glucose complex medium with a 70% reduced biomass yield compared to the wild type. Surprisingly, reasonable aerobic growth was also possible in glucose minimal medium after supplementation with peptone. Under these conditions, the DOOR strain displayed a fermentative type of catabolism with l-lactate as major and acetate and succinate as minor products. The DOOR strain had about 2% of the oxygen consumption rate of the wild type, showing the absence of additional terminal oxidases. The pmf of the DOOR mutant was reduced by about 30% compared to the wild type. Candidates for pmf generation in the DOOR strain are succinate:menaquinone oxidoreductase, which probably can generate pmf in the direction of fumarate reduction, and F1FO-ATP synthase, which can couple ATP hydrolysis to the export of protons.

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