
In the family Araceae, the members of all subfamilies except Aroideae follow the conventional mode of exine formation pattern, which conforms with the textbook view of sporoderm stratification and chemistry (sporopollenin ektexine formed before the endexine). Only members of the subfamily Aroideae show a quite uncommon mode of exine formation pattern, with an endexine formed prior to the nonsporopollenin, polysaccharidic outer exine layer. The intine is formed simultaneously with this non-sporopollenin layer. From the differing timetable and especially from the different origin it is concluded that this outer exine layer is not homologous to the angiosperm ektexine. The fundamental question, why members of the Aroideae lack an elaborated sporopollenin ektexine, is discussed in terms of functionality of the nonsporopollenin outer exine layer. It seems that a major change in aroid evolution took place at the point when the family phylogenetically and ecologically shifted from bisexual (most subfamilies) to unisexual flowers (Aroideae only). The hypothesis is that ephemeral spathes and the absence of sporopollenin are the consequence of an adaptive syndrome for a short pollination time window in many members of the Aroideae, with short-lived pollen, an energetically not costly pollen wall, rapid germination of pollen tube, and brief receptivity of stigma.

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