
Observational and modeling studies dealing with different aspects of convective clouds are reviewed and interpreted to construct a generalized description of the structure, dynamics, and thermodynamics of convective cloud downdrafts. Observational studies reveal that downdraft speeds and sizes range from typical values of several meters per second and several hundred meters in nonprecipitating cumulus congestus clouds to typical values of 5–10 m s−1 and several kilometers in precipitating cumulonimbi. Maximum measured downdraft speeds appear to be limited to ∼20 m s−1. Different types of downdrafts appear to exist within precipitating convective clouds. Penetrative downdrafts common to nonprecipitating convective clouds and upper regions of precipitating convective clouds exhibit maximum horizontal dimensions of ∼1 km. These downdrafts emerge when subsaturated environmental air is entrained or mixed into the cloud. A second type, cloud edge downdrafts, appear in both observations and in cloud model results. Although their driving mechanisms are not fully understood, such downdrafts may be forced by cloud edge evaporational cooling and localized updraft mass flux compensation. Overshooting downdrafts comprise a third type and are typically associated with intense convection in which updraft air surpasses an equilibrium level of neutral buoyancy, cools upon further ascent, and then descends but remains within a few kilometers of cloud top. Finally, the precipitation‐associated downdraft is one forced at low levels by precipitation loading, evaporation, and melting. This downdraft may attain relatively large scales, of the order of the horizontal dimension of precipitating regions within the lowest several kilometers. Such large scales provide a clear distinction from (penetrative‐type) downdrafts of ∼1 km maximum scale within nonprecipitating convection. There is evidence from both observational and modeling studies that downdraft dynamical and thermodynamical processes are strongly influenced by static stability, wind shear profiles, cloud microphysical processes, and precipitation characteristics. However, the degree to which downdraft structure depends on such interrelated controlling factors has not yet been determined.

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