
The heated public controversy about Freud and psychoanalysis that has been raging in America for a number of years has meanwhile found its way into major German dailies as well (Frankfurter Rundschau 5.1.1996; Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 11.1.1996; Die Tageszeitung 17.1.1996). Bohleber outlines the latest case of Freud-bashing in the United States, sparked off by plans for a Freud exhibition in Washington. Closer inspection of the motives and roots of the attacks on Freud lead to the hardly surprising conclusion that the popular parlour game "Freud Bashing" has crested the wave in a social climate marked by fundamentalist conservatism, the new prudishness, and a species of scientific puritanism born of blind belief in the "exact sciences". The main representative of this attitude in connection with psychoanalysis is Adolf Grünbaum, while "revisionists" like Jeffrey Masson and Frederick Crews are to be regarded rather as exponents of the sexual counter-revolution. Bohleber's article is intended as an introductory commentary on the following essay by Jonathan Lear.

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