
Since collision between the Indian and Eurasian plates at 55-65Ma, some 2500-3000km of shortening has occurred, resulting in major deformation and thermal disturbances in the collisional zone. The metamorphic belt is now represented by the High Himalayan Crystallines (HHC) and the Main Central Thrust Zone (MCTZ), a thick sequence of metamorphic rocks thrust over low grade Lesser Himalayan (LH) rocks to the South and bound to the North by the Tethyan sedimentary series. Here we summarise garnet Sm-Nd, P-T, and mica Rb-Sr data from the Garhwal and Zanskar Himalaya which directly constrain movements within the HHC in the period 37-23Ma. These data, in conjunction with other chronological data from across the Himalaya, unravel the major controls on Himalayan metamorphism and confirm a simple, foreland-propagating thrust model.

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