
Abstract The experimental design was a RCB with 6 treatments and 4 replications. Plot size was 9 rows (7-inch spacing) by 20 ft. Each plot was bound by levees. Foundation seed rice was treated with fipronil 75 FS by Celpril Industries (Manteca, CA). Treated and untreated rice was drill seeded by Crowley silt loam at 90 lb/acre on 13 May and emerged between 24 and 28 May. Cool, rainy weather extended the emergence period and contributed to 5 to 15% stand reduction in plots. Propanil (Stam M4) and thiobencarb (Bolero 8 E) at 3 and 2 lb (AI)/acre, respectively, were applied for weed control on 12 Jun. Nitrogen was applied in a 3-way split of 90 lb N/acre as urea on 2 Jul and 30 lb N/acre on 23 and 31 Jul. Permanent flood was established on 27 Jun. Post-flood foliar treatments of Fury, Karate, and Dimilin were made with a CO2-pressurized backpack sprayer at 18 gpa. On 18 and 23 Jul three 4X4 inch (diam by depth) soil cores with an average of 3 plants/core were removed from plots. Soil was washed from the plant roots into a 40-mesh screen. The screen was immersed in salt water and RWW immatures were removed. Plots were harvested with a Yanmar combine on 7 Oct. Reported yields were adjusted to 12% moisture. Data were analyzed with an ANOVA and means separated with LSD.

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