
Endrin, gusathion and diazinon were tested for control of two important cotton insects, namely, leafhopper Chlorita biguttula Ishida and spiny bollworm Earia fabia Stoll infesting cotton crops after a typhoon at Tai-dou-kung, Chiayi county, in Taiwan in 1956. In all treatments, excellent results were obtained from high concentrated plots applied at intervals of 10 days. It was revealed that endrin and gusathion gave best results and also gave about equal effectiveness against this pest. The treated plots of endrin and gusathion in the yield of seed cotton were 1356 to 1380 kgs per hectare as the index of increased yield was at 143.49% to 146.03% and all plots treated with diazinon were less effective. According to this data, the control of cotton pests should be very important for reducing damage to cotton following typhoons.

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