
AbstractWhite clover varieties, potentially suitable for inclusion in seed mixtures for mixed stock‐rearing farm systems, were evaluated when growing with S23 perennial ryegrass under rotational sheep grazing with a silage cut in late May or early June, as practiced on farms. Monoculture grass swards were also included to enable the direct and indirect contribution of white clover to total sward production to be evaluated.White clover increased total sward production during all three years of the trial by an average of 50%. Although clover content of swards were similar, large differences occurred in their grass content, especially in the third year, when difference in total yields of swards based on large–leaved clover varieties was 2 t ha −1 while difference in clover yield was only 0‐6 to ha–1 The indirect contribution of white clover, namely the extra grass resulting from N transfer, was greater in the spring than in the autumn. It was also greater for Nesta than for other varieties. and exceptional for this variety in that the increase in grass yield above that of grass monoculture was maintained over three harvest years.

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