
Since there are few data on the use of various birth control methods in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), we performed a cross-sectional study of the actual contraceptive practices in a group of 85 Finnish female SLE patients of reproductive age. We also recorded side-effects experienced during the use of oral contraceptives (OCs) and intrauterine devices (IUDs). The use of contraception was lower in SLE patients than in healthy women of the same age (59 vs 77%, P < 0.001). Sexually active SLE patients requiring contraception used more often barrier and natural methods (P < 0.001) and less often OCs (P < 0.05) than the corresponding healthy women. The risk of deep venous thrombosis in SLE patients while using oestrogen-containing OCs was slightly increased (RR 2.3, 95% CI 0.5 to 10.3). Twenty-five (78%) of the 32 patients, who had used progestagen-only contraceptives discontinued them because of side effects, which were mainly gynaecological. Major bleeding or pelvic infection did not occur during the use of IUDs.

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