
High-index, rutile-derived, crystallographic shear (CS) structures occupy the composition range (Ti, Cr)Ox, 1.875 ≤ x ≤ 1.93. The CS plane rotates continuously from (121), to (132), about the [1{\bar 1}1]r zone axis, producing a continuous series of intermediate CS planes with (hkl)r = p. (121)r + q. (011)r. In the reciprocal lattice a fine net of superstructure reflexions rotates continuously relative to a coarse net of rutile subcell reflexions. Analogous reciprocal-lattice behaviour should be a general crystallographic phenomena and may appear in any system where superstructures occur. It is shown how the intermediate diffraction patterns may be indexed by deriving a single transformation matrix relating the unit cells of the high-index superstructures to that of the basic subcell.

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