
Consider a stream of status updates generated by a source, where each update is of one of two types: high priority or ordinary (low priority). These updates are to be transmitted through a network to a monitor. However, the transmission policy of each packet depends on the type of stream it belongs to. For the low priority stream, we analyze and compare the performances of two transmission schemes: $(i)$ Ordinary updates are served in a First-Come-First-Served (FCFS) fashion, whereas, in $(ii)$ , the ordinary updates are transmitted according to an M/G/1/1 with preemption policy. In both schemes, high priority updates are transmitted according to an M/G/1/1 with preemption policy and receive preferential treatment. An arriving priority update discards and replaces any currently-in-service high priority update, and preempts (with eventual resume for scheme $(i)$ ) any ordinary update. We model the arrival processes of the two kinds of updates, in both schemes, as independent Poisson processes. For scheme $(i)$ , we find the arrival and service rates under which the system is stable and give closed-form expressions for average peak age and a lower bound on the average age of the ordinary stream. For scheme $(ii)$ , we derive closed-form expressions for the average age and average peak age of the high priority and low priority streams. We finally show that, if the service time is exponentially distributed, the M/M/1/1 with preemption policy leads to an average age of the low priority stream higher than the one achieved using the FCFS scheme. Therefore, the M/M//1/1 with preemption policy, when applied on the low priority stream of updates and in the presence of a higher priority scheme, is not anymore the optimal transmission policy from an age point of view.

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