
Acknowledgements. Introduction Thomas Christiano and John Christman. Questions of Method . 1. Facts and Principles G.A. Cohen. 2. Constructivism, Facts, and Moral Justification Samuel Freeman. 3. Reason and the Ethos of a Late-Modern Citizen Stephen White. Liberalism. Political Neutrality . 4. The Moral Foundations of Liberal Neutrality Gerald F. Gaus. 5. Perfectionism in Politics: A Defense Steven Wall. Liberty and Distributive Justice. 6. Individualism and Libertarian Rights Eric Mack. 7. Left-Libertarianism and Liberty Peter Vallentyne. Equality. 8. Illuminating Egalitarianism Larry S. Temkin. 9. A Reasonable Alternative to Egalitariansim John Kekes. Democracy and Its Limits. The Value of Democracy . 10. The Supposed Right to a Democratic Say Richard Arneson. 11. Democracy: Instrumental vs. Non-Instrumental Value Elizabeth Anderson. Deliberative Democracy . 12. Deliberative Democracy Russell Hardin. 13. Reflections on Deliberative Democracy Constitutionalism Joshua Cohen. 14. Constitutionalism-A Skeptical View Jeremy Waldron. 15. Constitutionalism Larry Alexander. Persons, Identity and Difference. Individualism and Community . 16. Individualism and the Claims of Community Richard Dagger. 17. Liberalism, Communitarianism, and the Politics of Identity Margaret Moore. Identity and the Politics of Difference. 18. Relational Liberalism and Demands for Equality, Recognition and Group Rights Anthony S. Laden. 19. Structural Injustice and the Politics of Difference Iris Marion Young. Global Justice. Cosmopolitanism . 20. Cosmopolitanism and Justice Simon Caney. 21. Distributive Justice at Home and Abroad Jon Mandle. Human Rights . 22. The Dark Side of Human Rights Onora O'Neill. 23. A Defense of Welfare Rights as Human Rights James W. Nickel. .

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