
A survey of selected potato soils in Maine was made to determine the species and populations ofFusarium spp. present.Fusarium solani ‘Coeruleum’ was most often isolated butFusarium roseum ‘Sambucinum’ was not recovered from any soil. Crops or cropping sequences in general showed no direct relationship to observed Fusaria populations or tuber dry rot. Field studies were conducted to determine the effect ofFusarium contaminated seed on soil and daughter tuber contamination. Whole and cut seed were inoculated withFusarium roseum ‘Sambucinum’ and half of each lot treated with thiabendazole (1500 ppm) to controlFusarium seed decay. Soil populations ofF. roseum ‘Sambucinum’ were higher near plants produced from non-treated, cut seed tubers. No increase inFusarium populations was found between plants or near plants produced from whole or thiabendazole treated seed. Daughter tuber contamination was greatest from plants produced from non-treated contaminated cut seed, and lowest from whole or treated seed. Whole non-treated seed produced daughter tubers with contamination equal to treated whole seed. This indicates that the use of whole seed could be a method to reduce daughter tuber contamination and reduce reliance on chemical treatments. Cut seed contaminated withFusarium spp. is an important source of daughter tuber contamination which can result in a high amount of tuber dry rot in storage.

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