
ABSTRACT The mechanisms driving subsidence in late orogenic basins are often not easily resolved on account of later fault reactivation and a rapidly changing stress field. Contained turbidites in such basins provide a unique opportunity of monitoring sea bed deformation and evolving bathymetry and hence patterns of subsidence during basin filling. A variety of interpretations have been proposed to explain subsidence in Neogene basins in SE Spain, including extensional, strike‐slip and thrust top mechanisms. Ponded turbidite sheets on the floor of the Neogene Sorbas Basin (SE Spain) were deposited by sand‐bearing currents which ran into enclosed bathymetric deeps where they underwent rapid suspension collapse. The structure and distribution of these sheets (and the thick mudstone caps which overlie them) act as a proxy for the containing sea bed bathymetry at the time of deposition. An analysis of the sheet architecture helps identify a trough‐axial zone of syndepositional faulting and reveals a westwards stepping of the ponding depocentre with time. Fault breaks at the sea bed influenced the position of flow arrest and the distribution of sandstone beds on the basin floor. Westward stepping of the deeper bathymetry was episodic and probably controlled by transverse faults. Re‐locations of the depocentre were accompanied by the destabilization of carbonate sand stores on the margins of the basin, resulting in the repeated emplacement of large‐volume carbonate megabeds and calciturbidites. The fill to the Sorbas Basin was shingled by the onset of compression in the east attributed to transfer of slip between intersecting strike‐slip fault strands. A sinistral fault (a splay of the Carboneras Fault System) propagated through the evolving basin fill from the east as the eastern part of the basin became inverted and the locus of subsidence migrated into the Tabernas area 20 km area to the west. The sedimentological analysis of the basin fill helps see through a late dextral overprint which ultimately juxtaposed basement rocks to the south against the inverted and upended basin, along a late slip‐modified unconformity. Conventional palaeostress analysis of fractures along the basin margin fails to see past this late dextral shearing event. Basin migration parallel to the E–W‐orientated basin axis, slip‐reversal (sinistral to dextral) and the active involvement of strike‐slip faults are now identified as important aspects of the evolution of the Sorbas Basin during the latestTortonian.

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