
The implementation of project-based learning has the potential to develop affective factors positively in students, which may foster self-directed lifelong learning. Lifelong learning is a key requirement for teachers to keep current and knowledgeable in their fields of expertise, as well as to satisfy the demands set for learners and teachers in the 21st century. This is especially important for teachers in Consumer Studies ‒ a dynamic and valuable subject in South African schools. Promoting lifelong, self-directed learning as part of the training of Consumer Studies student teachers is therefore essential. Several affective factors, for example motivation, contribute to the promotion of learning and can be developed through the selection of appropriate teaching-learning strategies. Affect can influence learning through memory processes, learning processes, attention span, experiences and motivation. A case study was undertaken to investigate how project-based learning contribute to affective factors within an existing university training programme for Consumer Studies student teachers and how it promotes their learning. Students registered for a Consumer Studies teacher preparation programme were selected as participants and data collected by means of open-ended questionnaires, weekly reflections, as well as focus group and individual interview sessions. Findings indicate that the application of project-based learning promoted affective factors in the student teachers, especially motivation, the value they placed on learning, as well as the development of a positive attitude towards learning ‒ all of which contribute to the promotion and development of positive learning experiences. Developers of preparation programmes for Consumer Studies student teachers could implement this information to enhance such programmes. Possibilities exist for further research regarding the connection between projectbased learning and other affective factors contributing to learning in Consumer Studies student teacher preparation programmes.


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  • Lewenslange leer is ’n sleutelvereiste vir onderwysers om relevant kundig in hulle vakgebied te bly, asook om aan die vereistes te kan voldoen wat aan leerders en onderwysers in die 21ste eeu gestel word

  • Hierdie affektiewe faktore dra by tot die ontwikkeling en bevordering van positiewe leerervarings

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Oorspronklike Navorsing

Verbruikerstudie-onderwysstudente se affektiewe ervarings tydens projekgebaseerde leer. Die implementering van projekgebaseerde leer het die potensiaal om affektiewe faktore in studente positief te ontwikkel wat selfgerigte lewenslange leer kan bevorder. Verskillende affektiewe faktore, byvoorbeeld motivering, dra by tot die bevordering van leer wat ontwikkel kan word deur die keuse van gepaste onderrig-leerstrategieë. ’n Gevallestudie is onderneem om ondersoek in te stel op welke wyse projekgebaseerde leer in ’n opleidingsprogram vir Verbruikerstudie-onderwysstudente bydra tot die ontwikkeling van affektiewe faktore en hoe dit hulle leer bevorder. A case study was undertaken to investigate how project-based learning contribute to affective factors within an existing university training programme for Consumer Studies student teachers and how it promotes their learning. Note: This article only reports on a section from a more comprehensive study that was executed regarding the implementation of project-based learning in Consumer Studies teacher training with a focus on affective experiences

Agtergrond en probleemstelling
Empiriese ondersoek
Sosiale konstruktivisme
Deelnemers en konteks
Aanvanklike bepaling van voorkennis
Etiese aspekte van die studie
Geloofwaardigheid van resultate
Beperkinge van die studie
Resultate en bespreking
Deelnemers se ervaring van
Mededingende belange
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