
The development of genetically modified (GM) foods with benefits for consumers may be more acceptable than GM foods with benefits that accrue to industry or producers. The Santana apple is a novel hypoallergenic product suitable for many apple allergic consumers with mild symptomology. The Santana also needs fewer pesticides to be applied in production. A survey was conducted among consumers who bought the Santana in a large-scale “sales pilot”. The Santana was perceived to be beneficial by many apple allergic consumers. Non-allergic consumers were less positive about genetically modified hypoallergenic apples. Overall, traditional breeding was the preferred production strategy, although acceptance of genetic modification as a process did increase with increasing perceived personal benefit associated with products, in particular those which were “medically-related”, or perceived to reduce allergic reactions. Consumer preferences for reduced pesticide usage were also found, although this was more contingent on type of production processes applied.

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