
Virtual reality is an innovating manner of comprehending and acting on how the world is and, also, considered a new way of intellectual exercise. This work took place in a biochemistry masters discipline (Advanced Formation in ScientificEducation) and had as its observation context the forum (on-line tool) viability, intending the construction of hypertexts (active collaborative writing ) by the 15 registered students in the discipline in 2008. The discipline was available on the web, in bioq.educacao.biz , where the students, teachers and monitors couldsubscribe. The virtual space was set with several environments (agenda,classroom, dictionary, email and forum); all of which were used during thediscipline. The forum, called orkuteducation, was destined to the hypertextelaboration, which was focused in three themes: 1º) How to work with technology at school; 2º) Teaching/learning methods and new information and communication technology; 3º) Constructivism. The virtual learning environment had 2,275accesses to its content; being the forum the most visited one, with 1,026. The built hypertext presented clear ideas about the approached themes, and realized the important role which a qualified teacher plays in the educational process. The new ways of create, organize and interact with information changes the relationship between the subject and the information itself. The hype rtext constitutes "high level computer tools", through which is possible to explore knowledge in a non -linear and interactive way. Hypertext remains a revolutionary concept oforganization and access to information and its generalization impact in society is not known yet.

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