
The upgrade of the KLOE detector at DAFNE, the Φ-factory at the Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, foresees the insertion of an Inner Tracker around the interaction region, composed of four layers with diameters from 26cm to 41cm and an active length of 70cm. Each layer is realized as a cylindrical triple-GEM detector, a solution that allows to keep the total material of the Inner Tracker below 2% of a radiation length, which is of utmost importance to limit the multiple scattering of low-momentum tracks and to minimize dead spaces, thus maximizing the detector's active area. The peculiar read-out pattern with X and V strips provides a spatial resolution of about 200μm and 400μm for azimuthal and longitudinal coordinates, respectively.After 2 years, the construction of the Inner Tracker has been completed and the detector is ready to be inserted in the KLOE apparatus for a next data-taking run. The details of the manufacturing procedure as well as the results of validation tests are reported.

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