
Selective graft-versus-tumor (GVT) reactivity with minimal risk of graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) following allogeneic stem cell transplantation is thought to be induced by targeting minor histocompatibility (H) antigens (Ags) expressed only on patients’ hematopoietic cells. Among HLA-A* 02:01 positive patients, minor H Ags such as HA-1 and HA-2 have been shown to be associated with anti-tumor responses with minimal GVHD and explored for application to adoptive immunotherapy. Because preparation of Ag-specific cytotoxic T cell clones (CTLs) or lines for adoptive immunotherapy is labor-intensive and time consuming, the genetic transfer of T-cell receptors (TCRs) directed toward target Ags into T lymphocytes has been used to efficiently generate anti-tumor T cells without the need for in vitro induction and expansion. Alternatively, T cells could be gene-modified with a chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) harnessing a single chain antibody moiety (scFv). The conventional CAR strategy has the limitation of only targeting cell surface Ags on target cells. One possible way to attain intracellular Ag targeting with a CAR is to generate a TCR-like monoclonal antibody (mAb) as a source of scFv. In this study, we sought to generate highly specific mAbs specific for HA-1H minor H Ag by immunizing mice with tetramerized recombinant HLA-A2 incorporating HA-1H minor H Ag peptides and β2-microglobulin (HA-1H/HLA-A2). We hypothesized that the use of HLA-A2 transgenic mice, which should be tolerant to human HLA-A2, would facilitate efficient induction of mAbs specific for peptides presented on HLA-A2. Phage libraries were generated from splenic B cells and screened by panning for clones reactive to plate-bound HA-1H/HLA-A2 in the presence of free MAGEA4/HLA-A2 for competition. Candidate scFv encoded by obtained phage clones were transformed to scFv tetrameric Ab form or introduced into T cells as CAR coupled to CD28 transmembrane and CD3ζ domains (CD28-ζ). A total of 144 clones were randomly selected from 8.1×108 clones that had been recovered after the third panning. Among 144 clones, 18 (12.5%) showed preferential binding to HA-1/HLA-A2, 137 showed similar binding to both pMHC complexes, and 7 showed reactivity to neither of them. One of 18 scFv Abs, clone #131, demonstrated high affinity (KD = 8.34nM) for the HA-1H/HLA-A2 complex. Primary human CD8 T cells transduced with #131 scFv-CD28-ζ were stained with HA-1H/HLA-A2 tetramers as strongly as a CTL clone, EH6, specific for endogenously HLA-A2- and HA-1H-positive cells. Unexpectedly, however, #131 scFv-CD28-ζ CAR-T cells required ∼100-fold higher Ag density when pulsed exogenously to exert cytotoxicity than did the cognate EH6-CTL. In addition, mAb blocking experiments demonstrated that #131 scFv-CD28-ζCAR-T cells were less sensitive to CD8 blockade when they were completely blocked with HA-1H/HLA-A2 tetramer. These data suggest that T cells with higher affinity antigen receptors than TCRs (average KD ranging between 1μM∼100μM) are less able to recognize low density peptide/MHC antigens as reported in the case of affinity-matured TCR or CAR, and that CD8+ CAR-T cells may not be necessarily CD8-dependent possibly due to failure to form complexes with CD3. Disclosures: No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.

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